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Katsura Imperial Villa
PeriodEarly Edo Period
Construction Date
StructureOne-story wooden structure with shingled roof

The Shoin palaces complex is the main building of the Katsura Imperial Villa. The Koshoin (Old Shoin Palace), The Chushoin (Middle Shoin Palace), and the Shingoten (New Palace) are arranged in a diagonal, staggered line, resembling a flock of geese in flight. This layout is believed to enhance natural light and ventilation. It is also said to provide excellent garden views from every room. The moon-viewing veranda is attached to the Koshoin (Old Shoin Palace). The roof is thatched with shingles made from the Sawara cypress tree, a style known as Kokerabuki. The veranda, which juts out like a stage, is a moon-viewing area called a"Tsukimidai." The platform of the veranda is made of bamboo. The palace building and the platform are said to have been constructed to face the direction of the rising harvest moon. The hill on the opposite shore of the pond was kept low to avoid obstructing the moon view.